This is the last blog of the month, and it's gonna be a good one.
This week in reading we have been using newsela articles to read about people who take place in black history. We read about the amazing people in history who fought for what was right. Like, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, Harriet Tubman, Muhammad Ali and many more. This week in math everyone one switched classes for math time. Some people went to Ms Bierbowers class and some people went to Mrs Anshells class. Currently we are in the middle of our Fractions unit. This week we finished our magpie essays and started the fox essay most people finished both soon we are going to start a new essay ? or maybe something else. In art we started pottery and now we just need to wait on caly and the oven to be ready, he said till after spring break… like what!?
In this week's blog we will be telling you about our amazing week in 4th grade.
This week in writing everyone finished their 3 body paragraphs as well as the conclusion and introduction for our essays about a character named magpie in a book. This week in math we did an egg carton quiz and today we did a fact test. We also did good old rotations. I forgot to mention that a student next to the classroom came in for math. In reading we read Chester and gus. And we are doing a reading packet about black history month. Soon we are going to start book club again This week in science we made rube goldberg machines using chain reactions to have items move to make other items move. And in art while we are waiting to start our new pottery unit. We are drawing portraits of places in Wilmette for the newspaper to celebrate the 150th anniversary. There is no school on monday because presidents day and we celebrated valentine's day on monday. This week has been awesome and I hope you enjoy reading and learning what your kids learned.
Everyone is finished with their action project job! On Wednesday we started our 4th grade food drive we are doing for the action project. It lasts from feb 8 to feb 28. In math we started egg carton fractions and we also did rotations. If you were with the teacher you would be doing an egg carton packit and at your seat is in your student book it's a math worksheet book. Also on friday we did our fact test as usual. This week in reading we have been reading several books about famous civil rights activists to celebrate black history month. This week in writing we have been continuing our new unit about writing essays on books. So far we have written a list of character traits and things about the characters from the book. Now we are going to start planning out the main essay platform. In art I think everyone finished their project and now we are going to start a new pottery unit ! But first we have to order clay and get the ovens ready . In science we built tracks for marbles and tested them and also Mrs.Johnson made videos of them. It was so fun. As you know Valentine's Day is coming up this monday. Kids can bring chips,valentines candy or little toys to hand out if they would like to. And on the 21 we have no school because of president's day. This week for the action project our class was doing everyone is done or almost done with our project jobs. So now all the posters, videos, fliers, and boxes are done and ready for our upcoming food drive 4th grade is doing from february 9 to february 28.
In math this week we learned about fractions and today we made a fraction number line and we also went back into rotations and when we were with the teacher we did some fractions. It was fun . This week in reading we have been continuing our read aloud for the book Chester and Gus. This week in writing we have been put in partners for a new essay unit we are starting about writing essays on books. In art we finished plastic stained glass and we might start a new project next week Valentine's day is coming up and we aren't gonna make boxes in school but at home you can and this year we can bring candy and toys also cards . |
June 2023